The Charter Trustees for Harrogate


Minutes of the meeting held at the Civic Centre, Harrogate on Monday 23 October 2023 commencing at 10.30 am.


Councillors:  Councillor Michael Harrison in the Chair.  Councillors Chris Aldred, Philip Broadbank, Sam Gibbs, Paul Haslam, Peter Lacey, Pat Marsh and Mike Schofield.


Officers present:   Jennifer Norton, Assistant Director Legal; Graham Byrne, Head of Finance – Transport, Regulatory and Projects and Elizabeth Jackson, Democratic Services Manager.


Apologies:  Councillors John Mann and Monika Slater.





Apologies for absence


Councillor Michael Harrison, the Charter Mayor of Harrogate, welcomed everyone to the meeting.  Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors John Mann and Monika Slater.



Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 17 April 2023


The Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Charter Trustees held on 17 April 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.



Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were made at the meeting.



Questions and Statements by the Public


No public questions or statements had been received.



Charter Mayor’s Report


The Charter Mayor gave an update on his activities since April.  The Mayor and Deputy Mayor had attended events of a civic nature where the Mayor’s attendance would be expected and these included commemorations for the anniversary of the War Memorial in Harrogate and the coronation.  The Mayor and Deputy Mayor had also supported events in the town which brought significant economic benefit and some of a more local nature.



Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer


Resolved (unanimously) –


That Karen Iveson, Assistant Director Finance at North Yorkshire Council and Deputy S151 Officer, be appointed as Responsible Financial Officer for the Charter Trustees.



Finance Report


Considered –


A report by Karen Iveson, Assistant Director Finance, presenting the in-year budget position to the end of Quarter 2 of 2023-24 for approval.  Graham Byrne, North Yorkshire Council’s Head of Finance – Transport, Regulatory and Projects, presented the report and advised that the only spend to date was that for officer support.  A further report would be brought to the December meeting of the Charter Trustees in relation to the budget for 2024-25 and it was confirmed that the treatment of underspends and officer time would be included in the report.


Resolved (unanimously) –


That the Charter Trustees note the expenditure incurred to the end of September




Loan of Items from the Civic Collection


Considered –


A report by Barry Khan, Clerk to the Charter Trustees, seeking authority for the loan of specific items from the civic collection to local organisations continuing arrangements previously established by Harrogate Borough Council.


Elizabeth Jackson, Democratic Services Manager, presented the report and confirmed that if organisations wished to exchange items they currently held with other items from the collection this could be arranged.


Resolved (unanimously) –


That     (1) the Clerk to the Charter Trustees be authorised to undertake the necessary checks and agree the loan of civic items to local organisations as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report; and


            (2) the Clerk to the Charter Trustees be authorised to make changes to the items on loan throughout the year.



Any other items - such other business which the Chair agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances.


There was no urgent business.




Date of next meeting


The next meeting would be held on 11 December 2023 to consider the appointments to the positions of Charter Mayor and Deputy Charter Mayor for 2024-25 and to approve the budget and precept for 2024-25.


The meeting concluded at 10.45 am.